Browsing all posts tagged with bad games.

Bad Games Happen

Bad Games Happen

Bad games may happen, but they are still games, and I still love them. This is a matter that has recently been brought to my attention by the lovely man who sits to my right and watches me play videogames which, when put like that,…

Feeling Worthless

Feeling Worthless

I’m broke. Okay, so I’m not flat broke. I can afford to eat this week and for the weeks in the future. Okay, so I actually have a lot of money squared away. But never mind that. For the purpose of the next ten minutes,…

Two Bad For Words

Two Bad For Words

Put down that controller or Johnny The Polar Bear gets it I need to vent and as a result, this post is filled with a fair bit of hate but it’s ok… it’s for a good cause – I’m doing it to save the planet. …