Browsing all posts tagged with Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood.

AC Brotherhood: Meet The Hellequin

We’re enjoying the slow drip feed of Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood videos here at GLHQ but this one rather caught our eye.  It introduces ‘The Hellequin’, a disturbing, masked female assassin, who presumably takes her comedy very seriously.  What you don’t realise is that the unfortunates…

Exclusive AC Brotherhood DLC For PS3

I'm a lady, we don't teabag, we slay... It seems that if you are an Assassin’s Creed fan, then you’re currently better off if you fall on the PS3 side of the gaming fence.  First of all, the Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood multiplayer beta was for…

AC Brotherhood Achievements Revealed

Well, the achievement list for Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood is in and is pretty much as we would expect.  The usual mix of story based, collectathon, and move/gameplay based achievements are here, along with an expected cluster of multiplayer cheevs – since that has been the…