Browsing all posts tagged with 3D gaming.

Nintendo 3DS Launch Details Out

Shiny shiny, gonna hurt your pocket. Well, Nintendo’s Amsterdam launch for the upcoming 3DS is over and the details are in.  One of the many big questions hanging over the new handheld was the friend code system.  After the Wii and DS both used the…

Sony’s First 3D Games Land Tomorrow

If a shiny TV, glossy console, and speakers big enough to drown out Rosanne Barr aren’t enough to satiate the techno geek gaming faction, then the news that Sony’s first stereoscopic 3D games are to be released tomorrow should just about do it – at…

Gaming – Technology In Play

Gaming – Technology In Play

Back in the late 90s, the gaming industry was taking a significant turn in its definition and scale of game play. With 3D gaming technology being fully employed into games such as Super Mario 64 (1997), the strong cinematic narrative seen in Metal Gear Solid…