Browsing all 40 posts in E3 2014.

This War of Mine – Preview

This War of Mine – Preview

As a lifelong fan of emotional immersion in gaming, from genuinely fearing for the lives of my units in UFO: Enemy Unknown to being utterly disgusted when a glitched quest in Fallout: New Vegas meant that Veronica Santangelo didn’t get the ending that I’d hoped…

The Richie Report: RR3chE3 REpo3t Sp3cial

The Richie Report: RR3chE3 REpo3t Sp3cial

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. E3 is back, bringing with it the promise of new games, hardware reveals, the chance to call Microsoft pricks, and plenty of opportunities to laugh at Nintendo as they broadcast their conference from a van parked around…

Gauntlet – Preview

Gauntlet – Preview

As a general rule, I am someone who is very wary of any attempt to remake or re-imagine a classic. Be it films, TV, or games, when someone announces they are going to tinker with what could be, to many, a much-loved thing with many…