Browsing all 9 posts in Acoustic Gaming.

Acoustic Gaming: Carcassonne

Acoustic Gaming: Carcassonne

Ask any board gamer to suggest a good starter tabletop game and chances are that Carcassonne will be brought up. Winner of the coveted Spiel des Jahres award for best game in 2001, Carcassonne has reportedly since sold over 10 million units, spawned expansion upon…

Acoustic Gaming: Lords of Waterdeep

Acoustic Gaming: Lords of Waterdeep

Other than the obvious, Dungeons & Dragons is often associated with a load of 20 sided dice, character sheets, complicated rules, rubbish hand-drawn maps, and people with a lot of time on their hands shouting ‘Huzzah’ every fifteen minutes. So when I first heard about…

Acoustic Gaming: Pandemic – Review

Acoustic Gaming: Pandemic – Review

Getting ill sucks balls. Oozing pus, coughing up lungs, explosive diarrhoea. No thanks; I decided a long time ago that I’d just man up and stop getting ill. So far my bravado and testosterone combination is working, and I’m still alive. That rash down there?…