
About the author...
Jan 2010 - Dec 2010

This is normally the part where you see a dashingly handsome and effortlessly cool guy/gal posing in sunglasses and a block of text telling you how they have been gaming since before they could walk and they remember the gorgeous feel of a wooden Atari console and the excitement of graphics in more than one colour. However, I can lay claim to none of these. Not the effortless cool, not the gaming since I was a bairn nor the feel of a woody - well not that sort anyways.

I have been a gamer for quite a few years though - I started off with a Speccy +2 and have slowly worked my way up from there. Lack of money growing up somewhat restricted my gaming and I tended to be several generations behind everyone right up until the last gen, when I finally owned a console (the PS2) that was 'current' gen when I got it. From there I went strength to strength and I currently own every current gen machine with the exception of Sony's current massive power brick, as I like rather mundane things like being able to afford food etc. I am somewhat of a magpie, in that I tend to get a lot of stuff but get easily distracted, so my list of completed games is embarassingly low when compared to what I have. However, since getting a 360 a year and half ago I am getting better (with the 360 at least) and my skills are slowly improving.

Other than gaming I like wargaming (I know - geek alert!), reading, writing, history, psychology and spending time with my beloved fiancee. My gamertag is blagmasterg - if you fancy a laugh, and easygoing time and lots of deep but silly philosophical chats about life the universe and everything whilst pissing around online in some game or other then by all means add me. If however you are looking for a fellow l33t gamer to accompany you in n00b pwning, then keep moving, they aint nuthin to see here y'all.

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