Crusader Kings II Expansion Released

As if an in-depth strategy RPG about conquering Europe and liberating the Holy Lands wasn’t enough, Crusader Kings II’s newly-released expansion, Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome, focuses its attention on the Byzantine Empire and the Orthodox Church.  New features include:

  • Explore the intricate Faction System: Join a faction to put pressure on your liege, and keep track of factions in your own realm
  • Raise standing armies: You will now be able to use retinues to have standing armies in your domain: the size is determined by technology
  • Experience Factional Revolts: No more easily defeated rebellions. Disgruntled vassals will now band together in revolt against your rule through their faction
  • Appoint Orthodox patriarchs: Orthodox kingdoms and empires can now control their own heads of religion and their powers, instead of being dependent on the patriarch of Constantinople
  • Streamlined mobilization: You will always raise a single, larger levy from your direct vassals; no need to worry about the opinions of the lower vassals
  • Leader Focus on Combat: Appoint your generals wisely, their traits& skills are now of vital importance on the field of battle. More commander traits are now added to increase the importance of your choice of military leaders
  • Explore Byzantine Events &Decisions: Legacy of Rome includes many specific events & decisions to make the Byzantine Empire come alive
  • Improve your ruler: You can now actively strive to improve your skills or traits through the new Self Improvement Ambitions

For anyone scratching their heads, Crusader Kings II is an in-depth strategy title, exploring the tumultuous times in Medieval Europe.  Tactics and personal choices play a large part in proceedings, as ever, and the game was nominated for a Golden Joystick award for Best Strategy.  It can be picked up for around £29.99 from various online vendors and the expansion is retailing at just £3.99.  Not bad if you fancy coming back for more.

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