Minecraft Sales Top 7 Million

It used to be that we’d see astronomical sales figures for a game and stare open-mouthed.  Then Minecraft happened.  Now we just snort and nod our heads with each crazy sales milestone reached and steamrollered.  The latest sale figures for the game on the PC platform have recently topped 7 million, and we can’t say we’re in the least surprised, with everybody and their tortoise hammering away in-game, creating, destroying, and building the super-villain lair of their dreams.

Not far behind is the Xbox version, which has sold an eye-watering 3 million since its launch, proving popular with those who view the PC platform as something akin to an alien life-form.  Minecraft devs aren’t resting on their rich laurels, however, with plans for a new, large update in the works.  It isn’t due for sometime, by all accounts, so in the meantime, we’ll let you get back to creating those giant cocks, AT-ATs and effigys of Danny Dyer.

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