Alien Breed 3: Descent Released

Today sees the final release in the episodic Alien Breed saga which has been rebooted as a moody, twinstick shooter by Team 17 for the current console and PC generation.  In Alien Breed 3: Descent the player steps into the Alien-entrail-smeared boots of chief engineer, Theodore Conrad, tasked with exploring the sinister depths of an alien ship to purge the threat to humanity  – before they do the same to him.

The game scuttles onto XBLA and Steam today and will likely see a PSN release further down the line, so stop your grinnin’ and drop your linen, because they are back for one last, gut ripping, maelstrom of a scrap.  And you know…if you leave aliens unattended, they may start up a union or hack your Facebook page or something.  Best to deal with them right away.

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