Baron Wittard For February Release

Hot on the heels of our recent preview piece, sexy looking, puzzle-packed, point ‘n’ click, Baron Wittard has just gone gold, and looks to hit the shops on 18th February.  The game shoves you into a pair of exploratory shoes, gives you a torch and camera, and sets you off to unravel the mysteries of Baron Wittard’s abandoned utopia.  Wittard was an eccentric architect, who built an entire city inside a building, with homes, shopping centres, and more, but for reasons unknown, the city never made its grand opening.

The usual mysterious circumstances abound: odd disturbances, missing people, and rumours of terrifying secrets locked away in the sad halls of this dusty utopia and it is up to you to explore and solve the mysteries before it is too late, because something wicked this way comes…  Baron Wittard: Nemesis of Ragnarok will be a PC only release and hits shops mid February, so if the preview and following screens float your boat, it could be worth keeping an eye on in a quarter brimming with promising point and clicks.

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