Issue 5 – What A Knight

Last five articles by Michael



  1. Iain says:

    love it :D

  2. Samuel Samuel says:

    Simon Cowell is still scarier! Heh.

  3. Lee says:

    At the risk of sounding like your mum. Why are you not dressed?


  4. Splicer261 says:

    lol, made me smile

  5. UselessJack says:

    Hehe, good one :D

  6. Mark R MarkuzR says:

    That fifth panel reminds me of my years in the band… which is scary in itself. This one turned out great, love the detail in it too :D

  7. Edward Edward says:

    You did a fantastic job with this, and I loved what you did and how you improved on what I sent you :D

    Panels 5-9 are wallpaper material =D

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